Week 7

Compost and recycling responsability. The students themselves came up with one of the classes this week: to make signs and tell the community what they have learnt and why to recycle. Maria Elena, 10 years old, took it upon herself to sort out the recycling bins and to organise the group to write information signs on what can and cannot be recycled. Ismael, 13 years old created a poster summarising previous classes to inform the communities about types of plastic. Other students created posters on the tropical forests of Nicaragua and endangered species.

The Earth Education Project green house was installed!!

Earth Education Project students created an ecological barrio: designing how their community could be more environmentally friendly from the basics of installing sewage systems and septic tanks, to collecting rain water from their roofs, putting composts in each home and using solar and wind energy for electricity.

The group participants prepared to take part in National Recycling day on the weekend and exhibt their work and art. 

TALLER PACHAMAMA: Participants conbined paper making with learning how to use old tin cans to make impressions and create Christmas images for cards. 

Week 8 
Taller Pachamama: Participants are learning new skills, art through recycling. Living on a trash dump residents come across paper, plastic and metal that cannot be recycled as it is scrap and hard to sell. Using these materials Taller Pachamama with national artist Lesbia Borges shares techniques and develops potential and skills for adults and youth. The aim is to provide them after a year with creative and business skills to, as a team, form a papar making and recycled art production group for an alternative income and a sustainable future.

Earth Education Project students worked on the new green house, learning how to look after the green house itself and planting new vegetables using recycled containers. So far we have tomotoe, garlic and onions growing! Students learn about the beneifts of each vegetable and are collecting seeds to dry and replant form scrap food at home as well as studying what plants need to grow.

Click Below on 'older posts' to read about the beginnings of the Earth Education Project.