Week 1

What is recycling? What are we going to recycle and why? Installing the recycling bins and learning through games and team work.

Dolene(22) and Gilberto(15) creating the recycling ' DO and DON'T ' explanation sign for the Juntos Contigo Education centre : what to collect in the recycling bins.

When 11 and 13 year old students cannot read or write, art and crafts are vital tools to providing access to learning for children and youth allowing expression and personal dveleopmnet.

Week 2
This week we talked about the threats to the environment, we discussed solutions and how to make changes in our day to day lives to help conserve the planet. Participants created signs for the centre to share their ideas and what they are studying with other students.

We created candle holders from plastic bottles and using coloured markers created stained glass effects for the candle holders.

The Earth Education Project participants planted garlic as their first gardener responsabilities  and studied what plants need to grow and how to look after them using a plant diary.

Week 3
The Earth Education Project installed a compost bin as students learnt how a compost works, how nature disposes of natural trash and how we can help and utilise nature to dispose of organic waste. We started an experiment to see how long ceratian materials take to decompose.

Decorating the bin with drawings of what can go in a compost

Recycling games: Participants made board games from recycled carboard, sweet wrappers, paper, and bottle tops.

In class we also studied what type of climate Nicaragua has, what animals and plants live in a tropical forest. Studnets studied hand outs and books to discuss what animals and vegitation exist in Nicaragua.

Week 4
What kind of garden do we want? What fruit do we like? How would we like our homes to look and how to decorate them with art.

Nature photographers. After creating paintings of what kind of garden and environment participants would like to live in, using plastic packaging  instead of paper, the participants took a walk around their community to photograph something they find beautiful in nature and an object or action that is a threat to nature.
These photographs will form part of a mini exhibition in the centre before they take them to decorate their homes in hand made frames.

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